RINGORILLAPPA | リンゴリらっぱ が届きました♪

RINGORILLAPPA | Ringorillappa has arrived ♪

Ringori Trumpet Lineup

■The one and only JAS certified organic apple farm
Ringori Rappa is taking on the new challenge of organic apple cultivation by rethinking the conventional wisdom of agriculture from scratch. They grow over 50 different apple varieties, all of which are organic.
Please try our apple juice, which is grown with the strong determination to protect the future of our children by producing apples that do not pollute the soil or water or have a negative impact on living things.

■ "We want to deliver natural, safe and delicious food"
Regular apple juice is made from B-grade, fully ripe apples grown for gift giving, so most of it is just sweet.
Ringori Rappa is purposely picked early to bring out its sour and bitter flavors, as well as a delicious taste that reflects Yamagata's climate and seasons.

Apple cultivation scene

At It's so easy, we have selected two types of organic apple juice from our own farm.

■ "Original Fuji Apple Juice" - Japan's finest apple

Original Fuji Apple Juice

Fuji apples have an overly sweet taste when made into juice, which dilutes other flavors, so the key is to harvest them just before the nectar enters!
It is said that the end result is a fresh Fuji apple flavor with a strong fruity and sour taste.

■ "Original Green Apple Blend Juice" made from 5 types of green apples, including ancient varieties

Original Green Apple Blend

If you like a lightly sweet and refreshing scent, try this one.
It is a blend of Ourin, Mutsu, Indo, Granny Smith, and Ourin.

■ Unique collaboration juices

Friends of Ringori Trumpet 3 types

We have three varieties of apples in stock from the FRIENDS OF RINGORILLAPPA series, which uses specially grown standard fruits from contracted farmers who share the same passion as Ringorillappa: Fuji Apple, Sour Apple, and Bitter Apple. The labels make you wonder what they taste like!
These unique apple juices make great gifts or presents. It would also be fun to compare the flavors with your friends.

It's so easy! We also have chilled apple juice available in store.
Why not take a break while taking a walk?

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